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  • Mary Kate Morrow

    Mary Kate Morrow

    Content Coordinator

    Current Marketing Content Coordinator who has also been an Editor, Writer, Legal, and Social Media professional. Proudly holds two Bachelor's degrees in English Language and Literature as well as Gender Studies from the University of California, Los Angeles.

    Mary Kate Morrow is a writer, editor, and social media professional currently employed as a Digital Content Writer at Altametrics. She previously graduated with both a Bachelors degree in English Language and Literature and a Bachelors degree in Gender Studies from the University of California, Los Angeles.

    Topic / Areas of Interest

    Poverty Alleviation • Human Rights • Children • Politics • Social Services • Civil Rights and Social Action • Education

    Recent Articles and Publications

    A Look Into the World of Employee Engagement

    Improving employee engagement is essential to increasing productivity and decreasing employee turnover.

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